Hebrew Reading

Fluent and accurate reading skills are the entry point into many areas of Jewish life and learning. Without good reading skills, many activities become difficult, stressful and at times fraught with anxiety. This could be when reading, Davening or exploring new texts.

At Beit Shvidler our intent is to create excellent readers and then to ensure that this high level of reading is maintained by instilling the habit of practice, reading and text awareness.

Nursery Environmental Hebrew texts in the classroom and around the school.
Reception Hebrew Reading is taught. This includes the learning of all letters, vowels, simple words and Shevoh rules. By the end of the year, most children can read slowly, from a Siddur, with a good Shevoh rule awareness.
KS1 The teaching of Hebrew reading is still a major part of the Kodesh lessons. Hebrew reading is strongly reinforced with regular revision of all reading rules, ensuring the children understand and are familiar with using the rules from a range texts such as Davening, Chumash or Nach.
KS2 As well as continuing to focus on accurate reading, the children are encouraged to build on the fluency of their reading. Rashi font is introduced to the children with an emphasis on reading Rashi texts with vowels. The children are further exposed to texts from Tehillim, the Sedra and a further range of texts that may occur in their Kodesh learning opportunities.

Reading in Reception is taught in a systematic, fun and engaging method, following the methodology of the sefer “ HaMesores HaSholem”. The lessons are varied and creative, working in small groups to give lots of personalised attention and opportunities for differentiation. In KS1 and KS2 reading is revised using the “Rule of the Week” programme developed in house. Each week the whole school focuses on one reading rule to revise, reinforce and practice in an age appropriate format. This is followed up in the homework reading practice booklet given out each Monday. The rule of the week is further explained and promoted in its own column “Read it Right” in the weekly Shvidler Shmooze newsletter.

We assess the children three times a year, in November, February and June. Assessment of Hebrew reading helps the school to ensure that every child in Beit Shvidler is reading accurately and at a good pace. The KS1 assessment focuses solely on accuracy, whilst the KS2 assessment focuses on both accuracy and fluency. The children in KS2 need to pass both elements of the assessment, being both accurate and fluent readers, in order to be deemed reading at a good level.

The data collected allows us to examine where each child in the school is holding, whilst ensuring that no child slips under the radar. Every child must be given the best opportunities to improve their skills and where a child is deemed below the expected level, the school endeavours to implement a plan to help boost the child’s reading with a multi prong approach of both home and school support.