If you need any further information regarding curriculum, please be in contact with the school office, who will signpost you to the Head of Teaching & Learning.

Aims and Statement of Intent:
At BSPS we aim to deliver a curriculum that will help maximise our pupils' personal, social and mental wellbeing.
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to manage their lives, now and in the future.
Our pupils will benefit from economic education through: learning about money; financial problem solving; British Values and how our country runs and the potential future economy through looking at career opportunities.

Our pupils will benefit from social education through: British Values and democracy; respecting and valuing differences; projects within and outside of the community; projects across the school and peer to peer/peer to adult relationships.

Our pupils will benefit from personal education through: building on their resilience including transitions and loss; building on their confidence and self-esteem encouraging a growth mind-set; encouraging discussion regarding healthy relationships (including physical and emotional abuse); supporting others whilst also understanding empathy and undertaking roles which encourage children to take accountability and responsibility for themselves and their school.

Our pupils will benefit from health education through (with an aim that can impact the mental health of our children): science lessons when learning about healthy eating; PE lessons to recognise the importance of physical health; clubs and extracurricular activities and general wellbeing check-ins throughout the school day.

These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. When taught well, PSHE education helps pupils to achieve their academic potential and leave school equipped with skills they will need throughout later life. PSHE education helps pupils to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up.
Through both PSHE lessons and daily life at school we aim to create and encourage equal opportunities for all, to be part of and celebrate our community and teach the importance of valuing and respecting every child and adult either within or outside of the community in line with our ethos.

Statutory Requirements
PSHE is a non-statutory subject. However, there are aspects of it we are required to teach.
We must teach relationships education under the Children and Social Work Act 2017, in line with the terms set out in statutory guidance.
We must teach health education under the same statutory guidance

Content and Delivery
As stated above, we are required to cover the content for relationships and sex education, and health education, as set out in the statutory guidance (linked to above).
Refer to our Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) policy for details about what we teach, and how we decide on what to teach, in this subject.

Implementation of Curriculum Coverage:
PSHE Programme of study; with PSHE folder to show children’s learning
Kodesh subjects greatly enhance the material covered
Staff Training and INSETS on well-being led by professionals
Heads up Programme (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) with training.
Place2B training course for Staff.
Weekly Therapist works with students from across the school.
Staff wellbeing team
Art Therapist for particular children and their individual needs.
Magical Reading Garden- a safe space for children for quiet play
Online Safety program delivered across the school
ELSA trained therapist is available for children who struggle with managing their emotions
We celebrate the national mental health days – these are differentiated so that every child can access the importance of the different themes. (Anti-bullying and Mental Health Awareness Days).
Regular PSHE training sessions to up-skill staff across the school in their different roles.
See school club list.
Charity education and collections
Outside agencies to promote volunteering and other charitable works
Well-being displays across the school, which links to assemblies
Well-being assemblies.
School Council-pupil voice and democracy
School trips to promote: positive relationships, respect when around the public, responsibility of their own actions and facing challenges when they arise
Streetwise and other visitors in to talk about career opportunities and safety (road safety, personal safety, online safety and the safety of our environment)

Children listen and care for each other
Adults and children will understand the wider society and the importance of their contribution to it.
Children will apply the values of mutual respect, tolerance and the British Values of Democracy.
Children will demonstrate a healthy outlook towards themselves, and their education.
Children seek help when they need from a variety of safe adults across the school.
Children have the appropriate skills and tools to self-regulate. (through teaching and modelled language).
Children understand the importance of mental and physical health
Children have emotional literacy which they use to express themselves

PSHE Program
Our school uses a holistic approach to PSHE as we recognise that the wellbeing of our children should, and must, be incorporated into every area of their education. Using curriculum material KAPOW and incorporating projects, creative lesson plans and programmes such as Heads Up, we aim to bring these four elements (P, S, H, E) together enabling the children to be the best versions of themselves.

Breakdown of PSHE topics:
Family and Friendships
Health and wellbeing
Safety and changing body

Head’s Up
BSPS now incorporates the Heads-Up Kids Scheme for Reception through to Year 6. These sessions are balanced out with our PSHE and help to ensure full and varied curriculum coverage.
For the full curriculum progression of Skills and Objectives please see PSHE curriculum map.

Nurture Group provision:
At BSPS we have small nurture groups, Brain Buddies, as an intervention focussed on supporting children’s social, emotional and mental health difficulties, based on evidence-based practises.
A nurture group addresses difficulties linked to social, emotional and cognitive development. A clear focus is placed on emotional literacy, language development and communication. A nurture group offers an accepting and safe environment, in addition to the classroom, where children can develop positive and trusting relationships with peers and staff in a focussed and personalised way.
Experienced staff are responsible for delivering weekly sessions under the strategic direction of the Wellbeing Lead and parents are informed.

Subject Provision
Time Allocation
Each class has a weekly lesson allocated to PSHE and wellbeing.
Time will also be given when the class teacher feels extra input is needed.
All year groups use the Kapow PSHE teaching scheme for their lessons. Staff follow a fully comprehensive PSHE Education programme in line with the National Curriculum, which includes creative lesson plans that can be easily integrated into everyday teaching, based on the needs of the pupils and schools. This scheme supports pupils’ spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. The PSHE curriculum aims to help pupils ‘develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain’.

Assessing progress with PSHE and Wellbeing
Pupil voice feedback sheets given to a range of children throughout the school
School council to discuss on the agenda
Pre and Post spider diagram for each PSHE topic (done in different colours to show progress and learning)
General behaviour and attitude of children linked to diversity, respect, bullying and emotional intelligence

Teachers Expectations for Weekly PSHE Lessons and Circle Times

Children to be given PSHE Learning Objective and activities where appropriate for each lesson to ensure their understanding of expectations within the curriculum

Teachers to follow PSHE overview through a variety of: creative activities, project style lessons, Heads Up lessons and circle time discussions
Teachers to use their discretion to spend PSHE time and resources (additional adults, space and physical resources) to work through concerns that may arise throughout the week
Teachers to evidence all work and activities through work in PSHE folders
Teachers to assess learning through questioning and marking children’s work

Links with Handbooks or Policies
This policy links to the following policies and procedures:
HRE policy
BSPS Behaviour Policy
BSPS PSHE Skills and Progression Map

Wellbeing policy

For Key Stage 2 we are introducing real-life projects to encourage our children to be involved with their community in order to apply the skills they are learning through our PSHE sessions, such as enterprise weeks, visits to the local home for the elderly, connection to Edgware Primary.


personal development