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Our expectation is that all pupils from Reception to Year 6 practiSe English and Hebrew reading on a daily basis. Please refer to the school website for further details.
Chumash Y3-Y6
Chumash revision is sent home twice a week in the reading booklet.
This year, we are making some changes to the spelling and maths homework:
Spellings Y2 - Y6
At BSPS, we cover a rigorous spelling system, ensuring that all children can learn and improve their spelling. There are two levels of spellings, please work with your child on the level that you feel is appropriate. There will be weekly spelling tests in class. We have also included some printable sheets to help children learn their spellings. The spelling pyramid and rainbow spelling sheet may be particularly useful in KS1 and the ‘look, say, cover’ sheet is helpful in KS2. If your child finds spelling challenging, we have included a spelling menu of fun learning ideas to make spelling more appealing.
Maths Y1 - Y6
In KS1, we aim to build your child’s fluency around number bonds and number facts, as this is the foundation of maths. Children will be assigned weekly activities on NumBots. NumBots is a comprehensive maths platform to reinforce children’s understanding of what they learnt at school. NumBots adopts the best teaching practices to take children from counting on their fingers to adding and subtracting two-digit numbers.
The programme complements what children are learning in school and focuses on securing any gaps in their knowledge, before moving them onto the next challenge. This self-paced journey improves children’s confidence and means they are fully prepared to tackle each new topic.
We recommend playing for at least three minutes a day, four or five days a week. NumBots is available to play via the website or mobile app, so your child will be able to learn maths at home or on-the-go, whenever suits your family. Your child’s class teacher will assign your child log-in details to access NumBots at home. This programme can be accessed at
In KS2, BSPS maths homework focuses on the pupils learning their times tables. We have invested in an online fun platform, Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS). Times tables serve as building blocks for higher level maths concepts. With a strong understanding of multiplication, children can succeed at division, fractions, percentages and more! Times tables have practical applications for financial literacy. Fluency in times tables builds confidence across maths lessons. Your child’s class teacher will assign your child log-in details to access TTRS at home. This programme can also be accessed online at home It is recommended that your child does 5-10 minutes of times tables practice every night. Short bursts of practice on a daily basis are more effective than spending hours once a week.
To make NumBots/Times Tables Rock Stars successful, we need your help. Without your input, encouragement and your reminders, without you sitting down next to them or checking their work, practising times tables will not feel important to your children. Teachers will check the online platform on a regular basis to monitor the children’s progress.
Thank you for your continued support with BSPS homework and maintaining these essential life skills while ensuring that your children reach their full academic potential.