
If you need any further information regarding curriculum, please be in contact with the school office, who will signpost you to the Head of Teaching & Learning.

What am I going to learn?
Like it or not, computers are vital parts of every aspect of our lives, and through studying computing, you will learn how to interact with, use and apply the principles of computer science. You will also learn how to keep safe through the use of computers. You will use a range of devices and explore new technologies and you will understand how to use computers to solve a range of problems. As well as increasing your skills in computing, you will work collaboratively within a team to develop answers to problems as they arise.

What knowledge and skills will I learn when I study Computing?
In Computing you will learn to understand the principles and concepts of computer science, information technology and digital literacy. You will write and use your own computer programs and evaluate and apply new technologies. You will learn to be a responsible, competent, confident and creative user of information and communication technology. You will learn how to use computers to support your learning across the entire curriculum. Our main school platform for using computers is Purple Mash. You will use Purple Mash to learn the principles of computing, which you will then be able to apply across other programs and devices. You will also use how to use common programs outside of Purple Mash in all subjects.

What knowledge and skills will computing give me when I leave Beit Shvidler?
You will go through your whole life using computers and by the time you leave Year 6 you should have the basis of computer science to participate fully in secondary school and in the wider world. We aim for you to become creators of digital content rather than simply users or consumers and we want you to understand how information technology content is created and presented. This will help you understand, access it and use it from a position of knowledge and it will support your learning through all stages of your education. We hope that through your computing lessons you will learn the skills of working and collaborating within a group. You will also have an appreciation that our exciting use of innovative technology brings us great opportunities, but also risks. You will have learned in computing and HRE how to keep safe online and where to go for help with e-safety if it is needed.


Computing curriculum
Year 1 computing knowledge organisers
Year 2 computing knowledge organisers
Year 3 computing knowledge organisers
Year 4 computing knowledge organisers
Year 5 computing knowledge organisers
Year 6 computing knowledge organisers
Computing Learning Journey
Computing Progression of Skills