

At Beit Shvidler, we aim to allow our children to develop a love of reading. We recommend books within the classroom and encourage children to carry on reading at home.

At home, please use The Reader Teacher website to find recommended reads. This website contains books for all year groups and includes books for reluctant readers. Books should be chosen at the parent’s discretion.

In school, we encourage children to recommend and share ideas and thoughts about books we have read. We encourage children to complete book reviews. Book reviews can be recorded on a book review template which is included below.

The following websites also contain useful SPAG information and games.

If you would like to purchase supplementary SPAG textbooks then we recommend the CGP Spag books. If you would like to purchase supplementary comprehension textbooks then we recommend the CGP Comprehension books.


Weekly spellings can be found on the BSPS Website.