You are here: Homework | Home Learning Area | Science
Science at Beit Shvidler is championed from EYFS to Y6. At home, you can continue science learning through research, activities and investigations.
If your child is a budding scientist who is thrilled to complete science investigations, then please have a look at Steve Spangler's Science Kits. Additionally, Science Fun contains exciting science experiments.
If you would like to purchase further supplementary Science Workbooks then we recommend science CGP BOOKS.
If you would like to access science information, for any of our choice board activities, then you can use either the search engine Kiddle or School Zone KS1 and KS2 resources.
Places to visit
The Science Museum in Kensington is a fabulous place to visit. We recommend watching the daily shows and visiting the Wonderlab area.
Visit London Zoo to explore animal kingdoms and learn about classification. Pay attention to endangered species and the important conservation of threatened species.